Excel Media – Public speaking

Invest in yourself today!


CHAPTER 1-Killing the fear (Glossophobia)

  • What others think about you
  • A previous embarrassing or negetive experience
  • Negative thoughts

CHAPTER 2-Preparation

  • Facilitators of outstanding presentations
  • Mental preparation
  • Know your audience
  • Have a plan
  • Practice
  • Managing anxiety

CHAPTER 3 - Delivering Your Presentation

  • Your opening
  • Your body
  • Your conclusion

CHAPTER 4 - Body Language


• Eye contact
• Your hands
• Body movement
• Facial expression

CHAPTER 5 – How to use presentation tools

• Understanding the human mind

• Text

• Images

• Videos

About The Book

Do you feel anxious when speaking in front of people? If yes, you are not alone. Fear, anxiety, lack of confidence and ignorance are those things that holds us back from becoming the best at presentations either at school, work or speaking engagements. No doubt, public speaking/presentation skills have become a common place in our modern life. 

Public speaking is a very important part of our lives and we must strive to master it. A skill in public speaking will give you an edge over others.

Having good presentation skills will no doubt be a great asset to you. It will enhance your performances at events, facilitate your
promotion at work, boost your academic performances and also open doors of opportunities for you!

Who is this book meant for? This book is for those who wish to drastically improve their presentation skills. There are several angles to having effective and impactful presentations and this book deals with them all.

What People Are Saying

Barr. Oluwaseyi Arowosebe | Founder Thefellowship Abuja.

The brevity of the book makes it really interesting and straight to the point. As a public speaker myself, I have identified areas to work on and do better. I recommend this book to every public speaker, old or new.

Be the best on stage - How to give successful presentations
Be the best on stage - How to give successful presentations
Be the best on stage - How to give successful presentations

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